Frequently asked questions


What is a crown?

A crown is an artificial restoration that fits over the remaining part of a prepared tooth, making it strong and giving it the shape of a natural tooth. More A crown is sometimes known as a ‘cap’. Less

Why would I need a crown?

Crowns are an ideal restoration for teeth that have been broken, or have been weakened by decay or a very large filling. More A crown could be used for a number of other reasons, for instance: you may have discoloured fillings and would like to improve the appearance of the tooth you may have had a root filling which will need a crown to protect it it may help hold a bridge or denture firmly in place. Less

What is a post crown?

In root-filled teeth it may be necessary to insert a post before placing a crown. More A post provides support and helps the crown stay in place. The weakened crown of the tooth is drilled off at the level of the gum. A post can be made of prefabricated stainless steel which the dentist can fit directly into the root canal, to help secure the crown, or a custom-made post can be constructed by the dental technician to accurately fit the shape of the prepared root canal. The post is placed into the root canal and cemented in position, ready for the crown to be attached. Less

Are there any alternatives to post crowns for root-filled teeth?

If a root-filled tooth is not completely broken down, it may be possible to build it up again using filling material. More This ‘core’ is then prepared in the same way as a natural tooth and the impressions are taken. Less

What is a crown made of?

Crowns can be made of a variety of different materials and new materials are continually being introduced. More Some of the most popular options are listed below. Porcelain bonded to precious metal or non-precious metal: this is what most crowns are made of. A metal base is made and then porcelain is applied in layers over it. Porcelain crowns: these crowns are made entirely out of porcelain and are not as strong as bonded crowns, but they can look very natural and are most often used for front teeth. All-ceramic crowns: this modern technique offers a metal-free alternative, which can give the strength of a bonded crown and the appearance of a porcelain crown. Therefore it is suitable for use in all areas of the mouth. Porcelain and composite: porcelain and composite resin materials can sometimes look the most natural. However, these crowns are not as strong as bonded metal crowns. Glass: these crowns look very natural and are used on both front and back teeth. Gold alloy crowns: gold is one of the oldest filling materials. Today it is used with other metal alloys to increase its strength, which makes it a very hardwearing restoration. These crowns are white or gold in colour. Less

What will happen between visits?

A temporary crown will be made so that you can use the tooth while you wait for the crown to be made. More This crown may be more noticeable but is only a temporary measure. Less

How long does the treatment take?

You will need to have at least two visits: the first for the preparation, impression, shade taking and fitting the temporary crown; and the second to fit the permanent crown. Less

Will the crown be noticeable?

No. More The crown will be made to match your other teeth exactly. The shade of the neighbouring teeth will be recorded, to make sure that the colour looks natural and matches the surrounding teeth. Less

How do I care for my crown?

How long your crown lasts depends on how well you look after it. More The crown itself cannot decay, but decay can start where the edge of the crown joins the tooth. Therefore, it is important to keep this area just as clean as you would your natural teeth in order to prevent decay affecting the crown. Less

How long will the crown last?

Properly cared for crowns should last for many years. More Your dentist will be able to tell you how long the crown may be expected to last. Less

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